Sunday, October 18, 2015

10/21: "Twilight Princess" -Deckert

Twilight Princess demonstrates two different worlds. One world represents happiness, light and the “desirable” and the other represents evil, darkness and the “undesirable”. Much like our society, there are two different worlds. Those we see as desirable and also those who are seen as undesirable. This idea can represent how people commonly view themselves or a certain group as superior through race, appearance, intelligence and many more.

            An evil and powerful character named Zant curses the Twili and turns them into black creatures called shadow beasts, which are also known as the enemy. We are designed to believe the darkness and black colors are negative and something we do not want to support. In this case, the game allows the color black to be seen prominently through our eyes as a visual. However, black also portrays a symbolic feature.
            Zant engulfs the world with Twilight, which is the only way the Twili are able to survive. They are unable to be touched by light so the only way someone from the outside world can enter, is to be transformed. For example, the main hero Link, from the light world, must be transformed into a black wolf in order to survive in the twilight. Midna, a character from the Twili culture, can only survive in Link’s shadow. The darkness from the Twilight in the atmosphere plays a significant role in power and control. This is evident because the entire game play is based on defeating the evils of the Twilight that Zant is using to invade the light.
               The obvious feature of black in the game is associated with the undesirable and darkness theme, but are there other themes which may go unnoticed? Some of the significant aspects of the game create a different meaning to the color. These aspects include Link as the black wolf, Midna and the Mirror of Twilight. All are colored black, though each one signifies a transition of despair into hope. The Mirror of Twilight acts as a direct connection between the worlds. Which means it is connecting the light and the darkness. Characters like Link and Midna are constantly entering into both worlds while using one another as support. This represents a progression towards a unification of two different cultures. Link and Midna carry an essential role of being an assembler of the two worlds because they realize each one deserves to carry on as equally important. Assembly, does not necessarily mean that they are living intermingled in a community, but they are making an improvement with accepting and helping each other.
 On the surface, our minds are focused toward black as the color of evil, but perhaps the multiple meanings direct us to a new way of thinking. Zant is consuming the world with darkness and it is an obvious indicator of black being associated with power and despair but, black is also symbolized as a connection of two worlds. In the game, Zant overcomes the Twili with power, but as a group they are no longer a threat. We should recognize them as equal to the light world, because they are another community trying to make their own living.

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