Saturday, October 24, 2015

10/26 Coffee Personalities

Coffee-To me, it’s a steaming hot wake-up call, a late night homework buddy, and a reliable pick-me-up when I need it most. But the way you take your coffee says a lot about you. Personally, I love my coffee piping hot and with a tiny bit of French Vanilla creamer served in a different mug every morning. 

Those that prefer their coffee black are said to be “leaders, not followers,” as told by an article in DietBlog. Black coffee drinkers stick to what they like: control and avoiding any kind of change. The known personality of a black coffee drinker is said to be very straightforward with a minimalist attitude. They are the “quiet, but moody type,” says Time.

So if you’re not the simple, black coffee-liking kind of person, what does your coffee preference say about your personality?

Fans of Starbucks’ Mocha Frappuccino, or any other Frapp will do, are said to be the trend-setters. They are the adventurous and more courageous of the bunch. Frappuccino drinkers don’t worry about the healthy choices they should be making, but instead are focused on living in the moment. If you are the Frapp Queen, you’re the one that everyone goes to for the the latest trends and updates.

Latte drinkers are the more laid-back type. This can also include folks who add milk, cream, or sugar to their coffee. However, when it comes to making decisions, latte lovers are often indecisive. They would be much happier if they had someone else to pick out their latte order of the day for them. But in spite of their indecisiveness, latte drinkers are incredibly friendly and are always great people to have around.

The last main coffee order would be the cappuccino. Cappuccino lovers are characterized by their bubbly personalities. They are usually loving and caring, and people are often drawn to their warmth and passion. Once they get bored with you though, they won’t bother sticking around. Their creative and motivated personality is too strong to waste their time on unimaginative people.

Just remember, your daily Starbucks order says something about your personality. That barista knows that deep down, you’re ordering black coffee simply because you don’t want to bother with the hassle of picking something new and out of the ordinary. But if you’re like me and always in the mood for something different, our personalities are somewhere in the middle- A mix of freshly-brewed coffee, a double shot of espresso, and maybe some ice cold whipped cream on top.     

Works Cited
DietBlog (
Time (

1 comment:

  1. Lead Reader

    I like the idea you've picked here, the concept of different personalities leaning towards certain drinks is a interesting one. I love the personal touches you throw in by including your own preferences. The last lines are great, quirky and a good way to wrap up the piece

    Now, with that said, here is the slight criticism. This piece lacks a feeling of uniqueness. I had the distinct feeling of deja-vu as if I had already read an article similar to this, possibly on Buzzfeed.

    You have the entire layout of a good piece here, but it just needs something to push that over the edge. Something that makes it stand out. Playing on that Buzzfeed similarity, you can completely embrace that feel and go all out. Photos, gifs, cheesy puns. If a obnoxious Buzzfeed article isn't what you're going for, maybe try writing something from the perspective of a barista, or a group of people hanging out in the coffee shop. You could do your friends, what they order and if their personalities match up to the information you've found. It just needs a twist to it.

    Now if that's not what you're aiming for in presenting this information, there's always the option of moving the piece towards focusing more on black coffee itself. At the moment, the few mentions of black coffee feel obligatory. Shifting it may give the piece a better focus, and move away from the article feeling.

    My last note is: if none of this helps, ignore everything I've said and write what makes you happy.
