Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/30- Deckert "Concert Black"

The article says, “It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world, providing comfort while protecting its emotions and feelings, and hiding its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self-confidence” (The Color Black).

Wearing Black has acted as my personal companion throughout life, serving multiple purposes in order to satisfy my needs.

It’s true. When I was about thirteen years old, I was going through a life transition, as most people do around this age. But, some people have a difficult time figuring out where they belong, which that can lead to “rebellious” actions. In my case, I decided to buy all black clothes. When my mom found out, and started seeing me wear clothes like this, she questioned everything, “Why is my daughter wearing black?” Is she depressed? Did I do something wrong?” Well, there was nothing “wrong” with me. I never felt like I was depressed. For me, it was simply a way to hide from the world, when I was unsure about the world.

When I needed to hide, black was there for me.

Eventually, I grew out of it. I had no desire to wear black because I didn’t feel like I had to hide anymore.

"When I had to hide"

Although, black found another way to enter my life again and help me in a different way.

This article says, “Study Confirms That Wearing Black Clothing Makes You Appear More Attractive, Intelligent, and Confident” (ComplexStyle).

When I entered high school, it was the first time I had to become independent. Which means, it was the first time I ever signed up for classes on my own. So, I decided to sign up for choir. I had been involved in choir since I was young, and I thought it would be a good idea to try it in high school. I like how choir gave me an opportunity to meet new people and perform in front of audiences. It also gave me the chance to learn how to be brave and courageous, because performing can be intimidating, especially when I am nervous. For our concerts, we had to wear black. Same goes for most professional orquestras and choirs. This attire, “Concert black” has been a tradition for many years. The group becomes uniform by wearing a color that is flattering to multiple figures and to eliminate distractions, in order to bring out the voices and music. I also understand that it makes us look professional, confident and attractive, which is very important while entertaining audiences. At this time in my life and continuing into to college choir, “Concert black” has helped me feel confidence in order to perform well in front of others.

When I need confidence, black is there for me.

When I was young, wearing black was seen as something that was undesirable to wear (as previously expressed by my mother). And now it is encouraged.

The truth is, no matter how other people feel about it, the color black has always been there to support me throughout my life, and now it continues to bring out the best in me.


"Concert "Black"

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