Monday, November 23, 2015

11/25 Who is Offended?

Does anybody actually care about the Starbucks cups only being red and not Christmassy? According to people on the media Christians are so irate about the situation that they refuse to buy Starbucks drinks that come in the dreadful red cups. They will still buy the Frappes because they come in the clear cups but no Satanist cups for them. Well I will nip that the lie right in the tush because I am a die-hard Jesus lover and I do not have a care in the world that the cup is not Christmassy. I know that there are plenty of other religions out there whose people also enjoy Starbucks drinks. True Christians do not care about the cups only being red. The Starbucks cups have never had a Christmas theme anyways. The cups have had snowflakes, snowmen, stars, and words of wisdom on them. None of those things come to mind when I talk about Christmas. These things remind me of winter not Christmas. But are people actually offended by these red cups or did the media just blow up a small video made by some random dude who just happened to be a Christian? It wouldn’t be the first time the media has done this. 
                        This years Starbucks cup

 The media has told us that all of these people are so mad about this cup. But according to Daily Dot, an investigative website, majority of the tweets about the controversial cups talk about the stupidity of there being any controversy. And the tweets where people were actually offended by the cup were almost nonexistent. The Daily Dot even said, “Spredfast was unable to find ‘any evidence’ on Twitter "of Christians who were genuinely upset about the cup gaining traction.” So why is this controversy even a thing? Well we can all thank Joshua Feuerstein, a man from Arizona who made a short video about his outrage on Starbucks. 

Joshua Feuerstein

He claimed “Starbucks removed Christmas from their cups because they hate Jesus”. That’s a pretty strong thing to say just from what wasn’t on a cup. I guess that is how the media works now a days. One person’s twitter video becomes the thoughts of everyone. Just because they video had so many views does not mean that every person who views that video agrees with what the video says. Most people watched it to watch the stupidity unravel. The media sees those views and assumes controversy. But if the media really wanted to be cutting edge and in the know they would have added in the fact that Starbucks made the cups plain red because they are having a holiday cup contest. People are supposed to design their own cups and the winner will have their cup be the design for the year. 

                  One of many Twitter posts online

They chose red because red is one of the primary Christmas color. Red is also the color for many other things that are not even related to Christmas. For example: Satan, Communism, blood, lust, the Republican party, danger, and on and on. What if the cup was black? Blue? Green? Rainbow? Who knows what would happen and who would truly care? I will happily drink my caramel apple spice no matter the color of the cup. 

Works Cited

Kabas, Marisa. Here's Proof no one was actually offended by Starbuck's Holiday Cups. 16 Nov 2015. 23 Nov 2015 <>.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not even your lead reader, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this post.

    As someone who calls themselves a Christian as well, it's yet another way my entire religion gets thrown under the bus because of those "few people" who give it a bad name. It's embarrassing, because you're right-- it's just a fucking cup.

    I'm going to go grab myself some Starbucks now, drink it, and be freaking merry. Thank you for this post!!!

  3. I really liked this piece. I liked the relevancy of it and the humor brought into the piece because it is, in fact, ridiculous. It’s nuts that this whole phenomenon that Starbucks hates Christians just because the color of the cup is red—and like you mentioned, red is one of the primary Christmas colors. I can only imagine the things people would say if the cups weren’t red or green. Other than a few minor things, I didn’t have much to critique on.
    I think you should bring in the video as soon as you mention it and imbed it into the piece. I didn’t realize that the highlighted name was the video at first. I think you could also include a picture of previous Starbucks cups for reference to make the piece just a little bit stronger. You could also add more outside sources the highlight the point you’re making because it is an opinion piece, I understand the lack of outside opinions.
    Other than that and a few grammatical errors, I think your piece is really great. You stick to your argument and I agree with you. The bigger issue here is that the bigger controversy is that something like this cup is a controversy at all—which is redundant in itself.

