Thursday, November 5, 2015

11/6 Fox: Red in Christmas

On my way to class this morning, I stopped at Starbucks to get my daily dose of caffeine. Instead of receiving their typical white coffee cup, I was pleasantly surprised when they handed me a red one. The change of color signifies that it is finally the holiday season. From Santa’s suit to stockings hanging over the fireplace, red is found everywhere this time of year.

But why is the color red associated with Christmas?

Although many non-Christians celebrate Christmas, this Christian holiday is the yearly commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. In this religion, Jesus Christ is known as the savior from our sins. He sacrificed his life for others by being nailed to a cross. According to BBC’s article on Christmas traditions, “Some Christians believe that Jesus wore a crown of holly thorns whose berries were originally white. As Jesus' blood touched the berries, they turned red” (2014).

Reflecting upon his cruxification, Jesus’s blood and holly berries exemplify his eternal love for God’s children. Christmas is all about spreading the love to friends, family, and the community. 

On the other hand, society tends to become so absorbed in consumerism during the holidays. The National Retail Federation estimates that “the average American will spend $700 on holiday gifts and goodies this year, totaling more than $465 billion”. Parents will stand in line for hours outside of Toys R Us to get the “hottest toy of the year” for their children. Even my parents are guilty of this behavior. This makes me consider, the comparison of amount of time these people spend shopping for one another to actually spending quality time with their families. Society is becoming so materialistic, it is throwing the real spirit of Christmas away.  

The Friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday, however, to my family, it is known as the day we put up all the Christmas decorations inside and outside the house. We spend all day putting ornaments on the tree, placing Poinsettia plants around the house, hanging the stockings, and lining the outside of our house with lights. This day has a special place in my heart because my family and I are not the closest. The festivity of Christmas brings us all together to remind each other how important family is. While being 12 hours away from home, I don’t have the opportunity to see my family very often. Fortunately, I do get to spend the entire holiday season with them, appreciating every moment. 

Now every time I purchase my morning beverage at Starbucks and hold that red cup in my hands, my heart is warmed knowing that I will be home for Christmas in a few weeks. Instead of buying your friends and family the latest gadgets in the market, give them the most priceless gift of all, your love and attention. 

Works Cited

"Christmas Traditions." BBC News. BBC, 2014. Web. 5 Nov. 2015. (

"Christmas Traditions." BBC News. BBC, 2014. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.

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