Wednesday, November 11, 2015


                                   “Goth is the ability to find art where art seems to be lacking; 
                                    to find the light in the darkness and embrace it for all its worth.”
                                                               –Jennifer Manson

First off, I am not here to change your feelings, thoughts, etc. about anything. This is more of an informative article. But think about this: You are walking down the street and you see a group of people in all black. They have black clothes, their makeup is dark, and their hair is darker. Obviously you can tell they have that Gothic style going on, but how do you feel around them? We are growing up in a world where we are being taught to accept everyone no matter his or her sexual orientation, race, gender, or style. But if a group of gothic teenagers walked into your classroom or store or wherever you are, would you judge them?

Lets take it back to the beginning. Early Century Goth(1200-1350) had a more “elegant” theme. Their clothing had low-neck lines and light trimming. Blonde hair was in and defined your relational status. Flowy hair would allow people to know someone was single and when it was in a tight bun, others could tell that person was married. The later gothic culture began in the 1980’s in England. People would begin to wear Victorian black and listen to the post punk music. Some of the genres include: Dark Wave, Neoclassical and Ethereal Wave.

Though the world is becoming more acceptable, there are still a few people who like to make fun of them. South Park, for instance, has made a few episodes focusing on the Gothic culture. The writers constantly nag on them, for example, episode 14 of season 12, the gothic kids are compared to the others obsessed with vampires.

Today, society can be seen as a little more accepting to the culture. Walking into Plato’s closet in Montgomery, Ohio, you can see a store representative working that Gothic style with no one judging him. People believe that the style is a phase, but how does one truly know? Someone's Gothic style could be the same as your jeans and t-shirt style. It is their comfort, it is their "home". Personally, I have no issue with this style. Though some of my family is more conservative, we still have some members who love to express themselves. My sister, for example, has a buzzed head, gauges, and has 12 tattoos. Growing up with her has taught me not to judge a book by its cover. 

If you were to go up to a gothic group and asked them why they were into this style you wouldn’t get the same response. The clothing and music is an expression on how they feel yes but it “is indefinable because it means different things to each person.” Everyone has his or her own style. Everyone should be accepting of everyone else’s style.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

"Gothic." Gothic. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

"Part 1: The Goth Culture: Quotations; Why Discuss Goth Culture Here? Description.
History." The Goth Culture: Its History, Practices, Stereotypes, Religious Connections, Etc. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

"The Ungroundable." South Park Archives. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

Early Century Goth

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